Murcia, October 28, 2019: On Saturday October 26, 2019, in the development of a Solemn Eucharist in the Parish of San Francisco de Asís, headquarters of the Brotherhood, the inauguration of the new president and the Board was held of Government of the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Faith.
In an intimate and exciting act, they swore their position before the numerous assistants, among whom were the councilors D. Jesús Pacheco Méndez and D. Antonio Javier Navarro Corchón, the director of the San Buenaventura School - Capuchinos Ms. Inmaculada Orenes, as well as representatives of the Superior Council of Brotherhoods and Marian Brotherhoods, who did not want to miss this special moment.
The new president, Ms. Luisa Rodríguez Teso, was elected by acclamation in the elections held on May 27 and ratified by Mr. Bishop on May 31.
He accedes to the presidency after twenty years of continuity of the previous president.
Source: Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de la Fe