The Local Police, under the Department of Citizen Security and Economic Management, directed by Eduardo Martínez-Oliva, has programmed a special traffic device on the occasion of the All Saints holiday.
The objective is to meet the needs of the many people who come these days to the different cemeteries of the municipality.
For this, in the cemetery of Our Father Jesus the number of agents will be available between today and Friday, November 1, reaching a total of 110 police officers on October 31 and November 1.
To facilitate maximum access and security in this enclosure, the following measures will be taken:
The interior parking lot of the cemetery can be entered through the west and north gates.
To exit these same doors can be used.
The doors located in the south will remain closed for vehicles.
On November 1, the mentioned accesses will be signaled conveniently through informative posters.
On the other hand, service will also be provided at the different flower outlets such as Plaza de Santa Catalina, Plaza de Las Flores, Pedro Martínez Conesa Street and door of the Our Father Jesus cemetery; and at the Glorieta de España, where the bus stop will be located: special All Saints Day, on November 1.
Likewise, service will be provided on October 31 and November 1 in 35 cemeteries of districts, where 265 police officers from the decentralization unit will intervene.
In each place the precise measures will be adopted (regulate traffic, close certain roads to traffic or prohibit parking in specific areas, according to needs), to facilitate both access and parking
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia