The SOMOS SINDICALISTAS Trade Union Section in the City Council of Murcia, has presented before the City Hall and the General Secretariat of the Plenary Allegations to the Provisional Municipal Budget for 2019 indicating that, in our opinion, it suffers from:
1. Incorporation of the necessary credit for the fulfillment of the obligations required of this City Council in relation to the payment of compensation in case of dismissal of interim and / or labor employees once the 2015 public employment offer published in the BORM of December 24, 2015. Recall at this point that regarding the 2018 Budget, the Plenary responded in this regard: “This City Council does not plan the termination of employment contracts, as well as the termination of appointments in interim, as a result of coverage regulation of the corresponding places included for the consolidation of temporary employment in the Public Employment Offer for the year 2015, since the execution of said offer is planned as of the year 2019 ... ”
2. Incorporation of the necessary credit for the possible return of exam fees given the more than foreseeable expiration of the 2015 Public Employment Offer, according to the recent Supreme Court ruling that establishes doctrine and jurisprudence in this matter.
In fact, job offers have already been declared expired, such as 2016 in Ceuta.
3. Those determined in the Law for the Coordination of Local Police of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia that enters into force this month, such as the new expected remuneration specifications (specialties, first class police, etc.).
4. Payment of outstanding work days accumulated in the SEIS (Fire Department).