Next week, the CreaMurcia Performing Arts final will take place, which will take place at the Teatro Circo from Monday to Friday at 9:00 p.m.
In total, 28 scenic proposals were submitted to the contest, of which 9 were selected for the final.
The winning group will receive 2,000 euros, the second prize 1,000 euros and the third prize 500 euros.
The jury is made up of the Councilor for Sustainable Mobility and Youth, Rebeca Pérez and Esperanza Clares, Pepa Astillero, Fulgencio Martínez Lax, Toñi Alcolea and Juan Albaladejo.
The final schedule is as follows:
- Monday 23: North of Luna Fish
- Tuesday 24: Home.
Too wilted nostalgia for the florers, of Whirlpool Theater.
- Wednesday 25: Date, by Gisela and Guimelh (21 hours), No you, by Sophia Acosta (21.30 hours), and Mama Tierra, by Fran López.
- Thursday 26: Fuck reality, by Iver Zapata (21 hours), and [Enter], by Amber Kay & Joaquín Berenguer (22 hours
- Friday 27: Ella, by Aurora Briz (21 hours), and Feminazi, by Jon Romero
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia / Foto: archivo