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Tourism promotes the implementation of the Interconcejalías Commission to expedite the procedures and improve municipal management (05/08/2019)

The Department of Employment, Economic Promotion and Tourism led by Councilman Pedro García Rex has promoted the implementation of the Tourism Commission Interconcejalías to streamline all paperwork and bureaucracy around tourism and improve the development of the various programs, projects and activities that, being the competence of any municipal area, are related to tourism as a transversal discipline.

For García Rex, "it is essential to establish a coordination between the areas and departments involved to improve municipal management in this area and to give a strong boost to the tourism sector as an industry within our economy."

The creation of the Interconcejalías Tourism Commission, foreseen in the 2017-2020 Tourism Development Operational Plan, was approved last Friday by the Governing Board.

It will be composed of the set of delegated councilors and / or technicians of the councils involved, and chaired by the Mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta.

Once constituted, it may regulate its own functioning, periodicity and session regime.

For the person in charge of Employment, Economic Promotion and Tourism, one of the key challenges of this mandate is to turn Murcia into a preferred destination.

"We have enormous potential and unbeatable qualities: our climate, gastronomy, orchard, heritage, culture, sport ... But we have to put it in value and make it known, increasing our presence at national and international fairs and events."

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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