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More than 400 students discover canoeing crossing the Segura river (04/08/2019)

The optimal conditions in which the Segura River and its surroundings are found encourage hundreds of Murcia to practice canoeing.

The rowing courses, promoted by the Murcia Rowing Club in collaboration with the City Council, have had a great reception among the educational centers, held from April to June.

Actions such as cleaning the rods, promoted by the City Council, allow coaches to give their children canoeing classes.

Centros educativos como el IES La Florida , Colegio Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles, IES Ingeniero de La Cierva e IES Alquibla, entre otros, se han sumado a esta actividad, organizada por el Club Remo entre los meses de abril y junio, con el apoyo de la Concejalía de Deportes y Salud.

centers such as IES La Florida , Colegio Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles, IES Ingeniero de La Cierva and IES Alquibla, among others, have joined this activity, organized by the Rowing Club between April and June, with the support of the Department of Sports and Health.

C ada año , la org anización recibe a centenares de alumnos procedentes de una docena de c entros educativos.

year , the organization receives hundreds of students from a dozen educational centers.

Actions such as cleaning canes, which used to be a problem when training, make it easier for club professionals to give their canoeing classes to students . â€

Actualmente, el cl ub dispone de unas 20 piraguas que guarda n dentro de las instalaciones de la piscina municipal Murcia Parque, en un espacio que el Ayuntamiento ha cedido a los deportistas .

Un total de 40 personas forman parte de Murcia Remo, de entre 12 y 62 años.

A total of 40 people are part of Murcia Remo, between 12 and 62 years old.

Desde abril, además, la organización ha recibido cada mes entre 20 y 30 solicitudes de personas interesadas por este deporte.


Regatta City of Murcia

, an appointment that brings together 700 paddlers

This year, Murcia held in February the fourth edition of the City of Murcia regatta, a competition that is overcome every year, organized by 'La Verdad', the City of Murcia and the UMU Murcia Río

Club .

It is also a meeting that increasingly welcomes a greater number of participants , valuing the Segura River .


Specifically, this year the race brought together about 700 paddlers of different categories, increasing the number of participants by 40% compared to the previous year.


orario de verano

En verano, los deportistas del C lub Murcia Remo suelen comenzar su entrenamiento entre las 7 y las 8 de la mañana, adaptando sus horarios a las instalaciones de la piscina Murcia Parque, donde guardan sus embarcaciones .

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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