Mario Gómez: "Since we entered local government we are working to implement a more transparent and efficient management system that ensures the elimination of favoritism and guarantees the principles of publicity, transparency and competitive competition"
The spokesman of the orange training, Mario Gómez, said today that Cs will take measures to prevent malpractice and alleged favorable treatment in the contracting of public works and services of the City of Murcia.
"During the previous mandate, recalls Gómez," we presented a motion requiring the PP government to set up a Contracting Board to eliminate the finger-pointing contracts that have led to the arrest in recent days, according to the regional press, of a dozen of people involved, including the former Decentralization Councilor Cristóbal Herrero, in a supposed plot of illegal adjudication of contracts in districts between 2009 and 2013. "
"We have been warning for a long time that the contracts to finger are a source of corruption of the public administrations that Citizens are willing to eliminate," says the spokesman 'orange'.
In this sense, Mario Gómez stresses that "since our entry into the local government we are working to implement as soon as possible a more transparent and efficient management system that ensures the elimination of favoritism and guarantees the principles of publicity, transparency and competitive competition" .
Source: Ciudadanos Murcia