The University of Murcia approved in the last session of the Governing Council to modify the weightings of the modality subjects (those that determine the type of Bachelor's degree studied) that will be taken into account for the process of admission of the degrees in the EBAU call. 2020. The objective of this revision is to homogenize these criteria to the maximum in the weightings of degrees in the same branch of knowledge to avoid having students who, as now, can have up to four different grades of admission, depending on the careers in which they want to enter.
The students are examined in the EBAU of a general phase of access to the University, in which the maximum grade is a 10;
and a voluntary phase in which they can get up to a maximum of 4 points to add to their admission grade.
The weighting of the modality subjects they choose in this second phase varies according to the admission criteria of each university degree in each university.
For example, currently (EBAU 2019) for admission to the Law degree of the University of Murcia the subject of Audiovisual Culture has a weight of 10, History of Art of 15 and Latin of 20.
The decision adopted by the Vice-Rector for Studies of the UMU and approved by the Governing Council, in addition to standardizing the weighting criteria, has also introduced two other novelties.
In the first place, the second language, which currently only weighs in five degrees of the Arts and Humanities branch, will be considered in all the degrees of the University of Murcia.
The weighting will be of a 20 in studies of Arts and Humanities, Social and Legal Sciences;
and of a 10 in the degrees of Sciences of the Health, Sciences and Engineering.
In general, the second language is usually French, so this decision of the University of Murcia has motivated an express congratulation of the Consulate of France, which appreciates the will of the UMU to give greater value to the study of this language.
The other significant change is that the subject of Mathematics (in any of its modalities) will have a weight of 20 for all the careers of the University of Murcia.
In addition to these two major changes, the modifications by most significant branches of knowledge will be:
Arts and Humanities
The weighting of all the subjects contemplated so far is homogenized with a score of 20. In addition, the Arts, Design and Audiovisual Culture subjects are added with this same value.
Social and Legal Sciences
In the degrees in the field of Communication, the subjects of the Performing Arts block are increased to a weighting of 20, to equalize the value they have in the socio-legal and educational fields.
In the socio-legal qualifications, the weightings for access to Tourism are equated with those of Advertising and Public Relations and International Relations.
In addition, it also does the same with Tourism and International Relations with respect to legal titles.
Health Sciences
Memories II and Physics are matched with the weighting of 20 for all the titles of the branch.
It is equated to a weighting of 10 the technical drawing for all titles, thus reducing it in Food Science and Technology.
The only change is relative to the second language with a weight of 10.
The weight of the Biology and Geology subjects is 10. In this way, the value of these subjects for admission in Chemical Engineering will be the same as for access to the rest of the degrees in Sciences, Health Sciences and careers of the socio-economic and didactic areas.
All these changes will be applied in the EBAU 2020 and have already been made known to the Secondary schools of the Region of Murcia.
The entrance exams to the 2019 University will be held on June 11, 12 and 13.
All information about the call can be found on the website of the University of Murcia.
Source: Universidad de Murcia