The rector of the University of Murcia, José Luján, and the vice-chancellor of Employment, Entrepreneurship and Society, Alicia Rubio, held a meeting with the board of directors of the Murcian Association of Family Business (Amefmur) to discuss possible lines of collaboration.
The meeting was held at the Convalecencia, headquarters of the rectorship.
The objective of the meeting was for the entrepreneurs to know in detail the services offered by the university institution.
Alicia Rubio has exposed the main lines of action that are carried out from the institution that can help the development of the business fabric.
The delegation of Amefmur has conveyed its opinion on the need to adapt the teachings to increase the connection of the curricula with the socioeconomic reality of the Region of Murcia.
José Mª Tortosa, president of Amefmur, has put forward in this sense a series of concrete suggestions.
Amefmur and the University of Murcia have maintained a fruitful relationship for twelve years through the Chair of Family Business Mare Nostrum, led by Professor Ángel Meroño.
Source: Universidad de Murcia