and Pedro Miguel Ruiz, delegate for the rector of Universidad Digital, will join the rector's team as vice rectors |
The rectoral team of the University of Murcia has communicated to the university community changes in its structure, which will be effective next Tuesday after an act of taking possession of the new positions.
Paloma Sobrado, current vice-chancellor of Coordination and Welfare Affairs, will assume the powers of the Vice-rectorate of Students after the resignation of Cristina Sánchez.
From now on, Professor Sobrado will take charge of the new vice-rector of Students and Services to the University Community.
On the other hand, the current delegates for the rector of CSR and Transparency and Digital University will become part of the rectoral team as Vice Chancellors.
In this way, Longinos Marín will assume the position of Vice Chancellor of Social Responsibility and Transparency, while Pedro Miguel Ruiz will be vice-rector of Strategy and Digital University.
With this decision, the rector of the UMU wants to give structural character to these areas of action, consolidating and reinforcing its presence within the government of the university.
This highlights the decisive commitment of this rector team for social responsibility, transparency and digitalization.
The inauguration will take place in Convalecencia (headquarters of the Rector's Office) next Tuesday, May 14, at 13.30.
Source: Universidad de Murcia