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The City Council carries out the cleaning of the main lakes of Murcia (01/05/2019)

Murcia has 9 large lakes and 115 fountains and ornamental ponds in neighborhoods and districts, which add up to an area of ​​more than 21,100 square meters and almost 12,000 cubic meters and which embellish and refresh the environment where they are located.

"Our commitment is that citizens can enjoy the outdoors of the green areas of the municipality, which are meeting place, friendly and quality," explains José Guillén

The Department of Modernization of the Administration and Urban Development, directed by José Guillén, is working on the cleaning of different lakes, fountains and ponds of the municipality, which together have an area of ​​21,174 square meters and contain a total of 11,919 cubic meters.

The City Council continues its controlled and planned policy of supervision of the different lakes and fountains of the municipality of Murcia, which intensifies in the summer, paying special attention to the quality of the water to verify that no dangerous bacteria are generated, such as Legionella.

"The objective is for the water to recirculate in these lakes and to maintain an optimum level of quality for the residents and visitors who contemplate these lakes daily in the municipality of Murcia as well as for the animals that inhabit them." Our commitment is that citizens can enjoy outdoors the green areas of the municipality, which are meeting place, friendly and quality, "explains the mayor.

In total, 9 lakes are monitored and cared for daily, totaling 17,893 square meters and 8,900 cubic meters, and located in the Infante, Santa María de Gracia, Vistabella, El Salitre, La Seda, El Raal, Jardín de las Three Cups, Tocinos Bridge and San Ginés.

Some tasks that focus on the aeration of water in these spaces, as well as the review of the chlorine levels of each space.

This eliminates bad smells and risks for public health, and prevents legionella.

To verify that these measurements and work are done correctly, we also have a review of personnel external to the City Council who check and measure these professional standards.

These works are developed by a team of twelve people, who work constantly as the rest of the parks and gardens service to get the best possible care and maintenance of the green leisure areas for the enjoyment of all Murcia.

As for the sources, the revision and maintenance tasks are intensified during the summer months.

Thus, the more than 115 sources and ponds of neighborhoods and districts, with an area of ​​6,343 square meters and 3,019 cubic meters, with are reviewed daily by operators of the concessionaire company STV Gestión and chlorinated every two days.

These daily reviews, which seek to eliminate any type of substance that may have fallen into these sources, are added to those made by a laboratory technician who performs analytical tests and regulates the levels with chlorine contributions two or three times a week in order to maintain chlorination levels at the appropriate values ​​in all sources, lakes and ponds.

In this way, all the cleaning and chlorination standards of ornamental fountains, lakes and ponds are met and the healthiness of these is guaranteed.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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