The exhibition 'Castillejo de Monteagudo: power and production in the almunia del Rey Lobo' immerses the visitor in the images and sensations enjoyed by Emir Ibn Mardanis in his recreational estate of the XIIth century Murcia.
The exhibition, which can be visited until September 30, includes a great recreation of the project 'The Fortresses of the Wolf King', which will involve the recovery of 1.5 million m2 in Monteagudo.
Four 'ballerinas' of cypress embellish this space annexed to the site of San Esteban.
The 'dancers' are a type of plant architecture typical of al-Andalus, whose origins can be traced back to the gardens of the Generalife of Granada.
y el arqueólogo y comisario de la muestra, Julio Navarro, asistieron hoy a la inauguración de la exposición 'Castillejo de Monteagudo: poder y producción en la almunia del Rey Lobo', que sumerge al visitante en las imágenes y sensaciones que disfrutó el emir
and the archaeologist and curator of the exhibition, Julio Navarro, attended today the inauguration of the exhibition 'Castillejo de Monteagudo: power and production in the almunia del Rey Lobo ', which immerses the visitor in the images and sensations that Emir
El acto ha contado con la presencia del concejal
for Modernization of Administration and Urban Development, José Guillén, who has led the assembly of all the plant architecture that accompanies the exhibition, described as "plant jewel" by the project designer, José Tito Rojo, curator of the Botanical Garden of the University of Granada, who has directed the installation of the four cypress 'dancers' who embellish this space adjacent to the San Esteban site, vegetable roundabouts that culminate in an arch, whose origins date back to the gardens of the Generalife de Granada (XII-XIV century), in the vicinity of the Alhambra.
coordinador institucional del
institutional coordinator of
Carlos García Izquierdo.
Carlos García Izquierdo.
en torno a las fortalezas del
The exhibition, which can be visited until September 30, discloses the results of the excavations that are being made in the hillside of Castillejo de Monteagudo, with the support of the City of Murcia, and includes various historical pieces and a great recreation of the project of the city 'Las Fortalezas del Rey Lobo', which will mean the recovery of 1.5 million m2 in the area of ​​Monteagudo, opening to Murcia a large archaeological,
, natural and leisure
unique in Spain
of Monteagudo Castle, Castillejo, Castillo de Larache and Cabezo de Torres
La exposición, que acoge los dos claustros del Palacio de San Esteban, incluye piezas únicas, como el tratado de agricultura de Ibn Luyun (1282-1349), un libro didáctico en verso dedicado a las técnicas agrícolas utilizadas en al-Andalus.
The exhibition, which houses the two cloisters of the San Esteban Palace, includes unique pieces, such as the agricultural treatise of Ibn Luyun (1282-1349), a didactic book in verse dedicated to the agricultural techniques used in al-Andalus.
La idea es transmitir a los visitantes el aspecto y las características generales que tenían las áreas ajardinadas de las almunias mediante una muestra botánica de algunas de las especias características de estos espacios.
The idea is to transmit to the visitors the aspect and the general characteristics that the gardens of the almunias had by means of a botanical sample of some of the characteristic spices of these spaces.
Especies de cítricos de la Murcia Medieval
Citrus species of the Medieval Murcia
En el patio principal, que cuenta con un claustro del siglo XVI, se lleva exponen unas 15 especies de cítricos, que están bien atestiguados por las fuentes y la arqueología para época andalusí, pero que en la actualidad están prácticamente reducidos a cultivos testimoniales por el desarrollo de la agricultura comercial.
In the main courtyard, which has a cloister of the sixteenth century, it is exhibited some 15 species of citrus, which are well attested by the sources and archeology for Andalusi era, but which are now virtually reduced to testimonial crops by the development of commercial agriculture.
La puerta principal de San Esteban cuenta con otras dos 'bailarinas' y otras plantas muy extendidas en época andalusí.
The main door of San Esteban has two other 'dancers' and other plants very widespread in Andalusian times.
Se trata de un jardín efímero que sirve como reclamo para la exposición.
It is an ephemeral garden that serves as a claim for the exhibition.
La exposición incluye objetos y materiales procedentes de diferentes museos e instituciones: manuscritos árabes, decoración arquitectónica, cerámica, utensilios metálicos... Además, se proyecta un documental sobre las almunias de al-Ándalus, el Magreb y Murcia, y otro que difunde la reconstrucción íntegra del palacio del Castillejo de Monteagudo que incluirá la vegetación del área ajardinada y las albercas.
The exhibition includes objects and materials from different museums and institutions: Arabic manuscripts, architectural decoration, ceramics, metal utensils ... In addition, a documentary is projected on the almunias of al-Andalus, the Maghreb and Murcia, and another that disseminates the complete reconstruction of the palace of Castillejo de Monteagudo that will include the vegetation of the landscaped area and the pools.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia