The collaboration between the Department of Commerce and Institutional Relations, directed by Maruja Pelegrín, the Federation of Merchants of Murcia and the Federation of Peñas Huertanas has allowed to organize the Showcase Contest 'Spring Festival: Peñas Huertanas'.
Councilor Maruja Pelegrín explained that "the objective is to boost and boost the retail trade of the municipality during the Spring Festival, creating a museum in the street with its windows"
In this contest you can participate all the businesses belonging to the municipality of Murcia that have a retail area of ​​less than 300 m2 and decorate your window inspired by the Peñas Huertanas Spring Festival.
The inscriptions will be made through the email or by fax to 968200053 with a photograph of the storefront of the trade, until April 22.
The showcase exhibition must be maintained from April 22 to April 30
All participants in the contest will be preselected those who stand out for innovation, quality, creativity, lighting and originality all of them and will be awarded the first, second and third prize.
The winner of the first prize will receive 1,000 euros, the second 500 and the third 250.
The jury will be constituted by a representative of the Federation of Merchants, a representative of the Federation of Peñas Huertanas, a representative of the Department of Commerce and a specialist in the field of window decoration.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia