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Huermur demands the urgent revision of all the facades of the Cathedral of Murcia (09/03/2019)

Huermur demands the urgent and immediate revision of all the facades and exterior elements of the Cathedral of Murcia.

The entity already warned last summer of the danger of landslides of the monument after the fall of debris from the Chapel of Socorro on the north facade of the temple and which is still cordoned off.

Huermur recalls that the Ministry of Culture and initiated an emergency file for the state of the facades of the Cathedral in October last year after the complaint of Huermur, and the regional administration required the ownership of the temple an inspection on the state of conservation of the different facades of the cathedral and the protections thereof, as well as the maintenance of the rainwater evacuation network.

The conservation organization requires the Ministry of Culture and the City of Murcia the application of immediate measures for the protection of this monument that was declared a National Monument in 1931, and today it is an Asset of Cultural Interest BIC, as well as ensuring the safety of passers-by and visitors.

For Huermur it is unheard of that the main historical monument of the Region of Murcia, as it is the Baroque Cathedral seat of the Diocese and its Cathedral Museum, give this unfortunate image of successive landslides, and that in its facades there are still numerous electrical wiring, anchors , and distorting elements of heritage.

The Association for the Conservation of the Garden and the Heritage of Murcia (Huermur) requires exhaustive and detailed review of each and every one of the facades of the Cathedral of Murcia, as well as its exterior elements, ornaments, cornices, and sculptures.

All this, given the detachment in the morning today large pieces of stone from the facade of the temple in the central Plaza de la Cruz, on the emblematic Soportals.

Huermur recalls that there are too many episodes of falling rubble from the facades of the Cathedral, and warn that after the Huermur complaint last summer, the Ministry of Culture initiated an emergency file for the state of the facades, and the administration At the regional level, an inspection of the state of preservation of the different facades of the cathedral and the protection of the same, as well as the maintenance of the rainwater evacuation network, was required to the temple property.

Huermur points out that to date no results of these requirements of Culture to the property have been notified, for which the conservationist entity will request detailed information on the status of processing of the aforementioned emergency file.

In the same sense, Huermur will submit the corresponding complaint to the Ministry of Culture for the disturbing landslides this morning in the Plaza de la Cruz, as well as request information from the City of Murcia on the actions taken from the Consistory, since in addition to being the Cathedral a monument declared of Cultural Interest BIC, it is also cataloged and protected in the Special Plan of the Historic-Artistic Center of Murcia, which is municipal management.

Finally, for Huermur it is unprecedented and inadmissible that the main baroque monument of the Region of Murcia, and that is visited by thousands of tourists and Murcia every week, present this worrying and dangerous image of constant falls of rubble of its monumental facades.

This has been highlighted by its President, Sergio Pacheco, noting that: "There are neither one or two the detachments of the facades of our Cathedral, and have been constant complaints of these events without today or the Ministry of Culture nor the City Council have communicated any action to us to put an end to these worrying episodes of falls of rubble of this important Murcian heritage ".

Finally, Huermur hopes that both public administrations with competences in matters of historical heritage, as well as the property of the cathedral, will be put to work at once so that episodes like this one do not happen again, as the large amount of electrical wiring, anchors, and distorting elements of the heritage that today exist in the facades of this protected monument are removed.


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