The Delegation in the Region of Murcia of the Association Single Mothers by Election organizes the event Ponle Cara in the municipality of Murcia, is celebrated next Saturday, March 2 at 10'30 h.
This meeting aims to publicize the association and claim motherhood in any of its possible ways.
The Association Mothers Single by Choice is a national organization, non-profit and founded in 2007. It brings together more than 1000 families.
Created by people who have freely decided to have daughters and sons and to form a single-parent family.
The changes that society has experienced in recent years have allowed the creation of various types of families, including single-parent families by choice.
Anyone who is thinking of forming, or who has already formed a single-parent family and wants to know the entity and be informed will be welcome.
Although this model of family is formed mostly by women, the association is regulated to welcome also men who are in the same circumstance choosing a single-parent family.
Among the objectives of the association are to weave a network of support and reflection, provide references for their sons and daughters, make visible this model of family as well as promote before the public administrations measures of family conciliation, also the vindication on the necessity of a Law of Single-parent families at the state level and claims for discrimination, such as the current campaign in which they are immersed, consisting of making visible the discrimination that the regulation of non-transferable paternity leave implies for our family model.
Source: Asociación madres solteras por elección