The spokesperson of the Socialist Group, Susana Hernandez, recalls that "the delay to which the regional government can refer is the accumulated in the arrival of the AVE to the municipality because this project has not interested the Popular Party for years when it should have entered Murcia underground in 2014 "
"The commitment of the PSOE makes progress in terms of the burial of the train in the municipality."
This is what Susana Hernández has said after intervening in the meeting of the Social Commission for Follow-up of the Underground Works of the Railway in Murcia that was held today in the Government Delegation.
According to the spokesperson of the Socialists in the capital, "the technicians have insisted and so they have let us know that they do not find inconveniences so that the deadlines contributed to date are met no matter how much the PP insists on saying otherwise".
"The delay to which the regional government can refer is the accumulated in the arrival of the AVE to the municipality because this project has not interested the Popular Party for years when what was planned is to arrive buried in Murcia in 2014", has added.
The cut of the railway traffic foreseen in the lines Murcia-Alicante and Murcia-Cartagena is something that was known to be undertaken for years and, as explained by the director of the works, Juan Tebar, in recent months has worked with intensity so that this cut instead of months is only three weeks, thus minimizing the inconvenience to users.
"It is an effort of the delegate of the Government, the socialist Diego Conesa, reduce the inconvenience for both travelers and neighbors," added the councilor.
Hernandez also pointed out that "the doubts that could have been removed when moving us that will shortly be awarded burial works in the missing sections -in fact the concessionary company is already known- and the necessary reports are currently being drafted for this purpose. part of the State Bar.
Source: PSOE Murcia