Huermur celebrates the statements of the Minister of Culture in his recent visit to the castle of Monteagudo, and where he indicated that the Ministry of Culture and Sport, through the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (IPCE) will perform emergency works in this fortress of Islamic origin, since its deteriorating state presents a high risk of collapse.
Huermur congratulates the administrations involved so that they really get involved in the effective rehabilitation and urgent consolidation of the castle, which holds the category of Cultural Interest (BIC), and attend to the demands and denunciations of Huermur to save Monteagudo.
Huermur hopes that these needed urgent works will be finally carried out, and that this action will not remain on a piece of paper, since they also warn from Huermur that they did not hesitate to denounce any delay or abandonment of functions that would occur, if this BIC finally it is not consolidated and restored.
The Association for the Conservation of the Garden and the Heritage of Murcia (Huermur) celebrates that they are going to start emergency works in the historic castle of Monteagudo in the middle of Murcia's orchard, before the serious situation of deterioration and threat of landslides that presents and that Huermur already denounced in March 2018 before the Ministry of Culture of the CARM, and before the Ombudsman in Madrid.
In this way, Huermur expresses his pleasure at this decision of the public administrations involved, which thus begin to comply with the demands and complaints that Huermur has been claiming for some time before the deplorable state of conservation of this BIC monument dating back centuries. XI and XII.
The president of Huermur, Sergio Pacheco, added that: "From Huermur it has cost us a lot of effort, many complaints and even having to go to the Ombudsman in Madrid so that the BIC of Monteagudo Castle is rehabilitated, duly consolidated and put an end to its shameful state of preservation, unworthy of a monument of the caliber like the castle of Monteagudo ".
In the same sense, Huermur remembers that this historical medieval castle of the XI-XII century has since 1931 the category of National Monument and at the moment the condition of Property of Cultural Interest (BIC), that grants the maximum protection foreseen in the legislation on heritage cultural.
For Huermur, can not delay the precautionary actions of conservation of the enclosures and walls of the castle before the documented fact of the situation of the castle, that the Master Plan of the monument, which Huermur had access to, defines as "UNSTABLE AND POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS" (in capitals in the Plan itself), even for people who may be in the vicinity of the castle, without even accessing it.
Finally, Huermur hopes that finally the emblematic Castle of Monteagudo will be rehabilitated, consolidated and put into value, and that this announcement will not remain once more on wet paper, for which Huermur asks the Murcia City Council and the Regional Ministry of Culture that collaborate with the Ministry of Culture so that once and for all, this important heritage of the garden of Murcia presents the due state of conservation that it deserves, after decades of neglect and abuse by the Murcian administrations.