Murcia takes the initiative and leads, at the national level, the design of the Action Plan for the implementation of this strategic planning instrument sponsored by the UN, becoming a benchmark local administration in Spain.
The Consistory has worked hand in hand with the University of Murcia, specifically, with the departments of Applied Economics and Political Science.
The mayor of Murcia, José Ballesta, spoke today on the day 'The role of the University in the objectives of Sustainable Development', together with the advisory member of the High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda of the Government of Spain, Jorge Solana, and the president of CRUE-Sustainability and rector of the University of Oviedo, Santiago García;
in a round table moderated by the rector of the University of Murcia (UMU), José Luján.
The experience of the city of Murcia in the development of successful strategies applied to urban transformation processes and its model of city -valued as one of the best in the country by the Government of Spain-, makes Murcia a reference city in the field for the development of pilot experiences in the design of the implementation of the 2030 Spanish Urban Agenda.
In fact, the City of Murcia is a pioneer in Spain - along with the one in La Coruña - in the design of the implementation plan of the 2030 Urban Agenda, being the only two local administrations that have prepared this document.
For this, the capital of the Region has worked hand in hand with the University of Murcia in the development of its methodological design, in particular, with the Department of Applied Economics of the Faculty of Labor Sciences of this University and the Department of Science Policy and Administration.
This action plan, sponsored by the General Assembly of the United Nations, is the strategic planning instrument aimed at prioritizing the sustainable development of cities in the next decade, promoting economic growth, social cohesion, the fight against inequality and climate change.
Next step: signature of agreements with Development and the UN
This past October the City of Murcia took its proposal to be a benchmark city in the development of pilot experiences of the 2030 Agenda to the headquarters of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, where it participates in the working group Local Entities for the Spanish Urban Agenda.
Murcia has already prepared the design of the implementation plan for the 2030 Urban Agenda, which, after being ratified by the Ministry of Public Works in November, has been published on the website, with the aim of serving as a guide for other municipalities that are interested in working in this field.
The next step that the City Council will take will be the signing of a collaboration protocol with the Ministry of Public Works, to establish a stable working framework between both parties, an agreement that will be signed once the Council of Ministers approves the 2030 Spanish Urban Agenda, which is expected to take place in the coming weeks.
Likewise, a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed between the United Nations Program for Urban Settlements (UN-Habitat) and the City of Murcia, in order to establish a framework for stable collaboration in all matters related to sustainable urban development.
Murcia, present in the national working groups
At the state level, the Ministry of Public Works is preparing the 2030 Spanish Urban Agenda. For this, a broad participation process is being developed, in which the Murcia City Council is actively participating through two working groups: the Network of Urban Initiatives of the Ministry of Finance, through the working group 'Spanish Urban Agenda', and in the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, within the Working Group of Local Entities for the Spanish Urban Agenda.
Also, the mayor José Ballesta exposed, just a few days ago in Soria, the success model of the municipality of Murcia in the II International Meeting 'Think Europe': Commitment 2030, Intermediate Cities, Keys to Development, the international specialized forum in which urban transformation processes were addressed, and in which Murcia shared leadership with La Coruña.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia