The municipal plenary session held today has approved with votes in favor of the Municipal People's Group, Citizens, Municipal Socialist Group and Murcia Change and the abstention of Ahora Murcia, a motion to urge the Central Government to specify in the General State Budget 2019 the budget line necessary to undertake "with urgency" the works of the Perimeter West Interceptor Collector to avoid the flood problems suffered by the municipality and the consequent damages.
The Councilor for Urban Planning, Environment, Water and Garden, Antonio Navarro, recalled that "the Government Team has held several meetings with the State Secretariat of Environment to move forward on the realization of this much needed infrastructure.
In all of them, the Central Government has expressed the acceptance and interest in the execution of the work, but, nevertheless, no economic item destined for the collector is reflected in the PGE for the year 2019. "
The Western Perimeter Interceptor Collector, collected in the Special Plan of Hydraulic Infrastructures North Zone (PEIH) has 7 km in length.
It begins its layout in the hamlet of Churra and empties into the Segura River in the area of ​​Rincón de Beniscornia.
It will intercept the rainwater generated in the Ramblas de Churra, El Puntal, Espinardo and Guadalupe.
Currently there are two sections executed, the first in charge of the developers in the ZP-Ch3 urbanization in Churra (IKEA) and the second by the City Council in a stretch of the Costera Norte road in the hamlet of El Puntal.
The City Council of Murcia drafted the basic infrastructure project, forwarded it to CHS, which prepared the execution project and is currently awaiting the tender for the works.
In the motion it is explained that "the city of Murcia suffers, every time there is a minimally intense episode of rain, a situation of startle and constant alarm due to the overflow of ramblas which causes damage to homes, commercial basements, basements, public buildings, paralyzed traffic, collapse of important roads of the municipality and flooding in fields and orchards with the consequent economic loss.
The will of the City of Murcia is to end definitively the problems of flooding that Murcia periodically suffers each time an episode of rainfall is mildly intense. "
Source: PP Murcia