The plenary committee, chaired by Antonio Navarro, has approved the draft regulation, which includes the participation of experts of recognized prestige, universities, public administrations and professional associations.
Among its tasks, the Sectoral Council of Cultural Heritage will propose initiatives for the safeguarding of a cataloged or protected property, will promote the carrying out of studies and research and will submit reports and proposals to the City Council.
The Plenary Commission of Urbanism and Environment agreed at its meeting today the initial approval of the Regulation of the Sectoral Council of Cultural Heritage of the Municipality of Murcia, which involves the creation of an advisory body whose role will be to cooperate with the City in the protection, defense and conservation of the municipality's heritage.
This area includes both the architectural type, as the landscape and archaeological, as well as other elements and urban spaces.
The object of the advisory body will be to promote and obtain a joint reflection of experts of recognized prestige, coming from different fields - professionals, technicians, associations of recognized dedication to the study of heritage, corporations, university, administration, etc. -, participate, collaborate and Cooperate on issues that directly and indirectly affect the cultural heritage of the city and districts.
Its members, with the help of specialists in protection, defense and conservation of heritage, will act by deliberating, informing, collaborating, cooperating, highlighting any incident, making proposals and proposals regarding heritage.
Among its functions, it is important to advise the City Council on decisions that affect cultural assets, on municipal projects or when expressly requested by a group with representation in the Plenary.
Open to Murcia
Likewise, the council will propose initiatives for the safeguarding of a cataloged or protected property, will promote the realization of studies and investigations and will raise reports and proposals to the City Council that will help to improve its sustainable defense, its use, maintenance and protection.
Citizens can also address this body to highlight the considerations that have relation to the heritage.
Regarding its composition, the draft regulation that has received the approval of the Governing Board provides the following:
- Presidency: Mayor or whoever has formally appointed him.
- Vice-president: Councilor with powers in matters of Urbanism and Environment.
- Vowels:
- One representative for each of the political groups that are part of the Corporation.
- Whoever holds the competent Council in Urbanism and Environment, Urban Development, Heritage, Pedanías, Participation and Decentralization, Infrastructures, Public Works and Services and Culture
- The person who represents the representation of each of the Universities of Murcia.
- Whoever exercises the General Direction of Cultural Assets of the CCAA of the Region of Murcia.
- The person in whom the representation is represented by each of the academic entities and / or specialist associations that are not registered for profit in the Municipal Register of Citizen Entities and that are related to the purpose of the Council, have been recognized as one of their ends the protection of heritage.
- The person in whom the representation of the Professional Associations resides
- An official chronicler of the municipality of Murcia.
The council can count on an advisory commission made up of officials and technicians, representatives of the professional colleges, universities and administration, whose task will be to carry out orientation and advisory tasks.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia