His partners and followers are very sad because his club is going through a very critical moment.
Their workers have not received their salaries for a whopping six months, so the clubs, partners and supporters began selling bracelets with the SOS REAL MURCIA hastag.
Well, after seeing that the different political groups in the Region turned a deaf ear to the request to help the centennial club, in the plenary held yesterday, our non-attached councilor and vice-president Javier Trigueros fought against all odds because PP and Ciudadanos, They trampled with their words each and every one of the initiatives proposed by our representative of Contigo Somos Democracia.
As for PSOE, we have nothing to say, since they intended to delay this problem over time and what is needed is to act immediately.
The councilman of Sports of the City of Murcia, Felipe Coello said that little or nothing served to do BIC (good cultural interest), making a comparison with the football team of Huelva.
Meanwhile, the representative of the group Ciudadanos Mario Gómez, boasted that "he was not a shareholder of Murcia and he did not think he was" as if the citizens of this Region cared what this man does in his private life! they ask him and the rest is that as politicians they put their shoulders together so that this team does not disappear.
After observing everything that happened yesterday during the motion, I question the following: if this is the way to approach the administrations to the citizen, badly we are going.
I contemplate that they are not there to help, but to add votes and look the other way, demonstrating with these attitudes that there is no attachment to centuries-old customs and that they do not listen to the voice of the street.
As if it were another place, it seemed that we were not in Murcia, because they spoke without any kind of approach to the people of our Region and the positioning of the vast majority of those present (voted and elected for and by the people) was the one of other people to the problem that thousands of people mourn.
And of course, to get to Javier Trigueros the gratitude of the clubs and members of Real Murcia gathered there, as he put a voice and took the glove that they threw him with their concerns.
We trust that, the words that were finally poured, do not remain only in that, mere words without any value, because the disappointment, anger and impotence of the "murcianistas" were very great.
Source: Contigo Somos Democracia