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José Ignacio Prendes, vice president of the Lower House, closing congress on constitutional law that celebrates the UMU (29/11/2018)

in the Paraninfo of La Merced |

The International Congress of European Constitutionalism faces this Friday its last session with the attendance of the sessions of the Italian ambassador in Spain, Stefano Sannino.

The Congress is especially dedicated to the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution and the 70th anniversary of the Italian Constitution and brings together since Wednesday in Murcia some of the most prominent constitutionalists in Europe.

The Italian ambassador will attend the congress at 10.30 in the morning to speak with the attendees and lecturers and attend one of the plenary sessions.

He will also be in Murcia tomorrow to attend this academic event José Ignacio Prendes, first vice president of the Congress of Deputies.

He will be one of the people who will accompany part of the organizing committee to the official reception that will be made by the mayor of the city, José Ballesta, at the City Hall of Murcia at 1:00 p.m.

Among those attending the reception there will be professors and researchers of constitutional law from all over Europe accompanied by Germán M. Teruel Lozano, professor of constitutional law at the University of Murcia and co-director of the Congress and Giuseppe De Vergottini, emeritus professor of Constitutional Law of the University of Bologna and president emeritus of the International association of constitutional law.

At eight in the afternoon, in the auditorium of Campus de la Merced, the official closing ceremony of the Congress will take place.

It will be an act directed by the Secretary General of the University of Murcia, Francisco Antonio González, and will be attended by José Ignacio Prendes.

On the other hand, the president of the Autonomous Community, Fernando López Miras, offers this Thursday, from eight o'clock in the afternoon, an official reception to the assistants and organizers of the congress in the San Esteban Palace.

Source: Universidad de Murcia

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