The Autonomous Community has inaugurated this morning its Project to Promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
In this initiative funded by the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and Environment participates the International Chair in CSR of the UCAM.
The project will act as a counseling and tutoring office for the participating entities, which will receive detailed and practical information on the benefits of integrating CSR in their organizations.
Among the personalities that will participate in this initiative is David Lafuente Durán, advisory member of the Secretary of State for Equality of the Government of Spain.
The presentation was attended by Estrella Núñez, Vice Chancellor for Research at the Catholic University, along with the Minister of Employment, Universities, Business and the Environment, Javier Celdrán.
The vice-rector has assured that the UCAM "is a university at the service of society and we can not understand the work within the institution without connecting it with Social Responsibility".
On the other hand, the counselor Celdrán has deepened in some of the advantages of applying the CSR in the Region of Murcia such as the improvement of the reputation and the corporate image;
the promotion of innovation, or the positive effects on the levels of satisfaction and commitment of workers.
The Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility of the Catholic University of Murcia was launched in 2017 and aims to promote research activities in this field, as well as the growing implementation of CSR in companies, institutions and estates of society.
Along with this Chair of the UCAM will also intervene in the project his counterpart at the University of Murcia.
Source: UCAM