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The alSur festival grows and unites the social economy with interculturality (14/11/2018)

This morning the program of the 3rd Intercultural Festival alSur was presented, which this year will be joined by the 1st Social Economy Fair of the same name, organized by the Culture Group of the Municipal Board of Carmen.

World music and dances, clothing and seed exchanges, alternative trade, traditional and musical games from different countries, an inclusive sports campus, an exhibition at the Science Museum, talks on social economy and architecture and sewing workshops are just some of the activities that will take place in the Plaza Painter Pedro Flores, "in the heart of the neighborhood", between Friday 16 and November 18.

As explained by the Municipal Board, more than 30 collectives, some from countries such as Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Morocco, Ecuador or Bolivia, have actively participated in designing a program that seeks to publicize all the cultures that coexist "in the squares and streets "with initiatives as diverse as a traditional Moroccan fashion show, a concert of world music and dance or the collective construction of a great musical instrument.

In addition, in this edition the social and solidarity economy will take on a special role.

Associations that promote an economy that respects the environment and human rights such as Traperos de Emmaus and Project Abraham, will be joined this year by small companies and cooperatives such as La Solar, FIARE or Foodtopia.

Talks on ethical finance, renewable energy and food and fight against climate change and exchange, reuse and sale of sustainable products will be a central part of the Fair.

The objective, as explained by the Board, "is to show in practice that a neighborhood like El Carmen has an extraordinary richness both in the diversity of its people, as in the number of initiatives carried out in its streets "

To all the above we must unite the collaboration of the Public Space and Social Fabric Project of the Murcia University, which, among other things, will present the book Natural Stories, which includes the stories of the Floridablanca Garden contest, and the FICUS Project. -Transform your neighborhood that presents a route to "make city" and the Karmakadabra concert, among other activities.

On the other hand, the City of Murcia Popular Shareholders Club will hold a sports campus in the Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Pavilion with its inclusive football team.

The inter-cultural festival alSur emerged in 2016 from a participatory process promoted by the Municipal Board.

Throughout these three years of existence, in addition to the festival itself, the Culture Group has carried out a multitude of activities under this denomination, such as concerts and days of inclusive leisure and games on the streets.

Source: Agencias

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