The City of Murcia grants a grant to the Murcian Association of Parents and Children with Spina Bifida, for an amount of 9,000 euros.
This agreement between the City of Murcia and the Association AMUPHEB will involve the annual implementation of the project 'Home Services and Support for Families with children affected by Spina Bifida' which aims to provide direct and comprehensive psychosocial care and support at home to the dependent person and his family, preventing crises and / or deterioration.
It also aims to educate in the recovery of healthy living habits (personal hygiene, physical exercise, food, leisure and free time ...) and skills, within the real possibilities of the person, which favor and guarantee autonomy in their habitual way of life, facilitating an integration and active participation in society.
In this way, a temporary transitional housing service is provided that is adapted for rent.
Likewise, this resource will also be offered to small groups to work these skills on weekends.
This project will serve 80 people with physical disabilities, affected by spina bifida or related pathologies and their families.
The execution period is until December 31, 2018.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia