Let's change Murcia today denounced the "cynical attitude" of the Popular Party in the City Council and in the municipal council of Los Garres and Lages for not installing a violet spot in the parties of the parish, thus violating the motion presented by that same party last July .
The vocalist of the municipal formation in Los Garres, Eva Hernández, has criticized the "passivity" and "irresponsibility" of the pedáneo, Jorge Serna, whom he has accused of "not worrying" that this space had a place in the festivities such and how he got engaged in the summer.
Serna's motion, unanimously approved by the formations represented at the meeting, proposed the installation of violet dots and the reading of a communiqué in the festivities that will conclude tomorrow, October 30.
"However, these points have not been placed even on the days with night activities, such as last Friday, during the performance of Xuxo Jones, or Saturday, at the concerts of Rafi Vicente, which began at 10 pm, Butterfly Effect, at 12 o'clock at night ".
Hernandez explained that he asked several times for the installation of the Serna point because it is the responsibility of the presidency both the installation of these spaces and their endowment by the volunteer staff.
The installation of points violet was a proposal raised to the Plenary Session of the City Council for Change Murcia and then executed by the Consistory along with the Office of Volunteering, Civil Protection and Red Cross, in the framework of a campaign entitled "It is not No, for a party free of sexist aggressions ".
However, the aforementioned campaign "has not been free of problems" derived from the "obstacles imposed" by the local government.
Thus, the councilor of Cambiemos Murcia, Margarita Guerrero, already denounced that since the PP was favoring the existence of two types of violet points, one for the center parties and another for the districts.
Source: Cambiemos Murcia