The technological and nutritional improvement of yoghurts and dairy desserts, the adaptation of production lines for their preparation, the increase of the useful life of the products and the enhancement of local and traditional raw materials are some of the lines of research will be carried out through this Chair
In addition, this agreement includes lines of training, sponsorship of the Food Campus and scholarships for students
The president of the Catholic University of Murcia, José Luis Mendoza, and the president of the Desserts Queen group, Alfonso López, signed an agreement this morning through which they created the Chair of Innovation Research in Dairy Producers.
"This agreement represents a commitment to innovation and research to make the connecting thread between academic and work life", explained the president of the Grupo Desserts Reina.
In addition, "food changes at a frenetic pace, so it is essential to understand and anticipate what the consumer wants".
Alfonso López also praised the work of the Catholic of Murcia in the training of students: "We have many projects underway, but we have the difficulty of finding professionals who are capable of carrying them forward." At UCAM, we are in the right place to find them and that can help us meet our needs. "
On behalf of the University, the Vice Chancellor for Research, Estrella Núñez, has highly valued the collaboration agreement with the Grupo Deserves Reina: "For us the creation of chairs with companies is essential because we want to be the 'University of the Company 'and these chairs generate the appropriate scenario to achieve research projects. "
Regarding the quality in the training of students, the vice-chancellor of Research has commented that "the UCAM wants to collaborate directly with the business world to know their needs and to be able to train the student in a way that covers those needs of the companies when they graduate."
In addition, he added that "the University created the Industrial Doctorate Program to train doctors within the companies developing research projects and that companies can anticipate the needs of the consumer."
Source: UCAM