The Councilor for Social Rights, Conchita Ruiz, explained, responding to Murcia Change, that "we perform various actions of training and social integration with people in social exclusion and maintain the budget that had been earmarked for the Training Program for People in Situation of Difficulty Social".
Ruiz has indicated that "we are also designing new lines of action that will be launched in the coming weeks adapted to the profiles of people currently incorporated into the accompaniment program for social inclusion and adjusted to the new needs detected from the Social Services Centers and from the Section of Prevention and Social Insertion ".
The councilor recalled that "during the years 2016 and 2017 from the Accompaniment Program for Social Inclusion have been more than 180 Work Plans with people in situations of social exclusion incorporated into itineraries of socio-labor insertion, with an average of 40 cases new every year. "
"Of the total number of people with social support from the council, an average of 52% of them have accessed some type of training or employment during the years 2016 and 2017, confirming the acquisition of personal skills, social skills and work as well as their personal and family promotion ", the councilor has finished.
Source: PP Murcia