The Higher School of Protocol and Institutional Relations of the Catholic University of Murcia held this afternoon a conference on protocol under the slogan 'Training, basic requirement for the professional in event organization and protocol'.
Carla Royo-Villanova, Princess of Bulgaria and expert in protocol and image has given the inaugural lecture, in which she has lectured on 'Rules of protocol and knowing how to be in other cultures'.
Talking on phone
On the question of which are the Spanish standards that cost foreigners the most, the expert in protocol and image assures that it is rather the other way around: "They are behaviors that we have, that we see frequent, normal and that in other countries call a lot attention, for example talking on the phone in the train, which is not allowed in Japan ".
Carla Royo-Villanova has ensured that there are territories with very strict standards, so she has focused on those who receive more Spanish tourists such as Thailand or Japan "two societies with many rules."
"If already in Europe the rules are so different, in the rest of the world we can already imagine," he said.
Booming sector & need for training
Salvador Hernández, director of the School of Protocol and Institutional Relations of the UCAM, said that the event organization sector is experiencing an important boom at this time, but has stressed the need for people who are dedicated to it , or they want to do it, they are formed.
"Among the professionals and the trainers we commented that there is a very bad image of the sector precisely because of the people who start organizing events without forming properly," says Salvador Hernández.
The Catholic University of Murcia teaches the Master in Protocol and Image Consulting, and the titles of Institutional Expert in Protocol, and Expert in Image, Fashion and Events.
The event also involved Mar Casas, MC Protocol and Events, Public Relations and training;
Toñi Jara, publicist, fashion expert, stylist and personal and corporate image consultant;
Ana María Fernández, president of the Spanish Association of Protocol in Murcia, and Joaquín Hernández, head of Protocol and Events of the UCAM, who have discussed professionalism and training in the organization of events, protocol and image.
Source: UCAM