The Network of Santander Chairs of Social Responsibility, the most influential university network for training and research in Social Responsibility and Sustainability at the national level, celebrates its IX meeting at the hand of the International Chair of CSR of the UCAM
Víctor Meseguer: "This meeting shows that public and private can work together"
The International Chair of CSR of the UCAM pays tribute to Aguas de Murcia for its work in the development of good practices in public-private partnerships and for its contribution to the implementation of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
The IX Meeting of the Network of Santander Chairs of Corporate Social Responsibility, coordinated by the International Chair of CSR of the UCAM, has started this afternoon at the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) with the participation of representatives of the Chairs of CSR from the universities of Málaga, Girona, Salamanca, Castilla La Mancha, Alcalá de Henares and Francisco de Vitoria.
Also participating in this Logic Ecommerce meeting, representatives of Banco Santander, the Spanish Association of Social Responsibility Managers, the EFE Agency and the Spanish Association of Social Impact Measurement and Management (ESIMPACT).
The measurement of social impact has been addressed as the main axis.
Víctor Meseguer, director of the Chair of CSR of the UCAM that coordinates the meeting, has put in value the fact that public and private universities are those that integrate this network of Santander: "This meeting shows that the public and private can work together".
In this edition, the theme chosen to be discussed at the meeting is the measurement of social impact, a key activity to be able to evaluate and know the footprint left by companies and organizations in their environment.
The participants have been received by José Luis Mendoza, president of the UCAM, in the Monastery of Los Jerónimos, which has outlined some lines on the work in CSR carried out by the Catholic University, highlighting the UCAMPACITAS project: "We offer a two-year training to people with intellectual disabilities and we promote their inclusion in the labor market, some of them are working at the University. "
At the welcoming ceremony, Luis Monge, director of Sustainability of Santander Spain, has highlighted the work of the network of chairs and said that "the circular economy will be one of the main themes of this meeting as there is a lot of work that perform in that direction. "
Then there was the colloquium in which Bernardo García, vice president of the Spanish Association of Measurement and Social Impact Management ESIMPACT, spoke about measuring social impact justifying its growing importance: "The measurements we make of social impact should be integrated into the usual management of an organization to improve its projects and to convey that everything that takes place has a social and environmental raison d'être ".
After the colloquium, the participants in this meeting moved to the City of Murcia to be received by the mayor José Ballesta and conduct a dialogue on CSR in the XXI century.
Mario Garcés Sanagustín, Program Secretary of the Popular Party, participates in this colloquium;
David Lafuente Durán, advisory member of the cabinet of the Secretary of State for Social Services of the Government of Spain;
Ruth Hernández González and Rodolfo Puente Fernández, directors of the Logic Ecommerce consultancy and Víctor Meseguer Sánchez, director of the Chair of RSC UCAM-APC.
This first day culminates with a tribute to Aguas de Murcia for its work in the development of good practices in public-private partnerships and for its contribution to the implementation of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
In line with this work, recently, the United Nations Global Compact Network has recognized Aguas de Murcia as an example of good practices in support of the Sustainable Development Goals of its Social Fund.
The second day, tomorrow in Cartagena
The IX Meeting of the Network of Santander Chairs of Corporate Social Responsibility will continue tomorrow, September 26, in which, among other topics, the Observatory of Social Innovation (OISOC) will be presented, an Ecommerce Logic initiative and the CSR International Chair of the UCAM.
About the Santander RSC Chair Network
Through its Santander Universities Global Division, Banco Santander has been involved in the creation of about 130 chairs, which often unite researchers from several universities, and who have the Bank's support for the subsequent development of his teaching and research projects.
The network consists of 8 chairs of CSR representing 10 Spanish universities and 3 Portuguese and DIRSE, Spanish Association of Social Responsibility Directors.
In addition, it has the collaboration and active participation of representatives of the Universia Foundation, the conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) and of the Santander Bank itself.
About the Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility of the UCAM-APC
The International Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility UCAM was born with the aim of stimulating the concern for the promotion of CSR of companies, non-profit organizations, public administrations, professionals, students and society in general.
Source: UCAM