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Cs asks for a comprehensive plan to improve and adapt the municipal swimming pools for next summer (15/08/2018)

The mayor of Citizens Paqui Perez will present a motion in the Plenary of September claiming that, for the next summer, the repairs and improvements necessary for all municipal swimming pools to become more pleasant and accessible to users begin With reduced mobility, most of them do not have adapted chairs for the bathroom.

After the visits made by Cs to these municipal facilities, Perez has lamented that "we have found a large number of pools that are desolate, left and battered by time and lack of maintenance."

"The night assaults, intrusion and vandalism damage occur very often in virtually all facilities, something that would be solved with a video surveillance system," said the councilor of orange training.

Other deficiencies detected refer to the lack of green spaces, lack of shade areas and equipment (umbrellas, chairs, tables, hammocks), "what provokes, pointed out Pérez," that the municipal swimming pools become a True Calvary when the neighbors venture to spend the day in their facilities. "

Thus, the mayor of Cs will also propose in the Plenary that, for next summer, the opening of the canteens installed inside will be studied through a clean and transparent adjudication process that is carried out in a timely manner .

"This would help, together with the previous proposals, to turn the municipal swimming pools into more pleasant and accessible places where the summer of Murcia can be spent in the company of family and friends".

Another initiative that will be asked to include in this modernization plan is to develop a program of sports activities aimed at children, young people and adults (swimming, aquagym, child psychomotricity, etc.).

In short, Perez concluded, "a comprehensive plan to make pools more comfortable and prepared for the bathroom, energy efficient and where you can perform water activities in the early morning and late afternoon."

Source: Ciudadanos Murcia

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