Angeles Micol points out that the boulevards of the municipality must be clean before the rains begin and finish those remains in the Segura
NOW MURCIA demands that the state of cleanliness of the boulevards of the municipality be a basic point of 'Murcia River' and that the "Government of Ballesta make a close control of these areas of the municipality and require the CHS its due cleaning."
The councilor Angeles Micol points out that the project of Ballesta "should not be reduced to the Segura urban stretch, nor consist of the creation of gardens or walks, but must have as a basic goal to get a clean river in perfect condition."
In this sense, the mayor considers that it is crucially important that the ravines be clean, "since with the rains the multiple debris can end up in the river".
Micol affirms that Ballesta "has the obligation to control the state of the boulevards of the municipality, and ask the CHS, the body in charge of its maintenance, to clean it up." The person ultimately responsible for the state in which the ramblas are located and the Segura in its path for the city is the municipal government ".
In this line, Now Murcia has demanded today the mayor to demand CHS clean the ravine of La Ventosa, in La Ñora, which even has a dead dog, as denounced to the municipal training neighbors of the area.
"The land offers an unfortunate image and is in an unhealthy situation, with the presence of objects of all kinds, such as a toilet, in addition to the carcass of an animal," says Micol, who stresses the neighbors' discomfort and the importance of clean the ravine before the arrival of the rains.
Source: Ahora Murcia