Percentages will increase as the system learns, since it is an artificial intelligence tool with learning capacity, making it progressively more efficient and more useful for users.
The information that is not available at the moment, is entered in the following 24 hours.
More than 80% of the consultations received by chatbot launched by the City Council have been positively attended in the first 24 hours of operation, when it is, therefore, in the middle of the learning phase, so that the percentages will increase according to the system is learning.
Specifically, the figures collected indicate that of the 167 conversations conducted, they have obtained a response to the question 145 (86.82%), and 464 of the 550 received have received a satisfactory response (84%).
In addition, information that is not available at the time is entered into the system in the next 24 hours.
As explained in the presentation, it is the first experience with a chat of these characteristics and, since it is an artificial intelligence tool, it has learning capacity.
This condition, together with the use, the work of the tourism technicians and the incorporation of the necessary technical improvements, will allow the chatbot to progressively become more efficient and more useful for the users.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia