The Councilor for Social Rights and Development Cooperation, Conchita Ruiz, and the Councilor for Education and Heritage, Rafael Gómez, visited this morning the Summer Schools that are held in the neighborhoods of Santa María de Gracia and La Paz.
In these activities, 2,630 children of the municipality who are in situations of social exclusion and / or vulnerability participate.
Until the end of July, a total of 75 summer schools will be developed, of which 53 are offered by the Council for Social Rights and Development Cooperation (37 for minors between 6 and 12 years and 16 for minors between 13 and 17 years old. years) and 22 are made thanks to the collaboration of the Caixa Proinfancia Program.
In addition, 24 of them provide the dining service, of which 14 are promoted by the Department of Social Rights and Development Cooperation (Bacons Bridge, El Puntal, San Andres, La Paz, Vistabella, Santa Maria de Gracia, Infante, Patiño, Nonduermas, Vistalegre, Javali Viejo and the Conciliation Centers of Juan Carlos I, Tocinos Bridge, and Cabezo de Torres);
7 by Cáritas (La Paz, Carmen, Infante, Santa María de Gracia, Patiño, San Andrés and Bacons Bridge) and 3 by the Columbares Association (Beniaján, Torreagüera and Bacons Bridge).
The number of minors benefiting from the canteen service in summer schools is 1,056.
Also the Department of Social Rights and Development Cooperation, has established a line of economic aid for food for the months of July and August, the total being 1,771 children who have these aids, belonging to 844 families.
Councilor Conchita Ruiz explained that "this year we have doubled the budget allocated to food expenses for children who do not attend summer schools, which has resulted in many more children being able to access these resources. 2017 were 802 minors who received this aid, to which Social Rights allocated 172,430 euros, this summer we have made an expenditure of 381,436 euros that will benefit more than 1,700 children ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia