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Cultural democratization, object of a seminar at the University of Murcia (27/06/2018)

The Hemicycle of the Faculty of Arts hosts on June 28 and 29 the 'III International Seminar on Education and Museums.

Cultural action: mediation and cultural democracy.

During the two sessions of this seminar will address how social participation in cultural dynamics depends on education received, economic resources or previous experiences of the public in a process of cultural democratization according to which we must all have access to culture.

For a few years, cultural experiences have begun in Spain that are sensibly different to create culture as a social practice that is built on conversation and the coexistence of social actors.

In this case, cultural practices are identified with the interests of citizens in a context of cultural democracy, with broad participation of the population.

However, despite the achievements made in terms of public collaboration, it is evident that there is a need for mediators and educators to promote citizen construction.

The opening ceremony of the seminar will take place this Thursday, June 28, at 9 am and will be attended, among others, by José Luján Alcaraz, rector of the UMU and Juan Monzó Cabrera, general director of Universities and Research of the CARM.

Source: Universidad de Murcia

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