The City Council allocates more than 3.7 million euros per year to various programs to combat child poverty.
They include from social emergency aid and food, support actions and educational reinforcement or leisure activities and free time aimed at the most vulnerable child population in the municipality.
In total, these projects total more than 10,000 beneficiaries.
The Department of Social Rights and Development Cooperation has renewed the special device to ensure that all children in the municipality who are in a position of special vulnerability have their basic needs met, especially food.
Councilor Conchita Ruiz today explained the planned plan, which will benefit 2,800 schoolchildren.
On the one hand, it includes the provision of 958 dining places in summer schools but, in addition, increases the funds to guarantee access to adequate food for minors who do not attend these municipal resources.
Thus, the City Council will double the budget and, therefore, it will also increase the minors who will be able to benefit from the aid for dining expenses by not being able to access the resources with dining room enabled for the summer.
In this way, if in 2017 there were 802 minors who received this aid, to which Social Rights allocated € 172,430, this summer there is an expenditure of € 381,436 that will benefit approximately 1,842 children.
The actions to combat child poverty by the City Council also include leisure time and support for educational reinforcement processes.
In this area, the Department that directs Conchita Ruiz has promoted 34 projects of activities with children in neighborhoods and districts, which involved 1,042 children, aged between 6 and 12 years, with an annual cost of € 213,824, and another 20 projects for adolescents (Project 13-17) in which another 253 adolescents participated, with a total expenditure of € 89,757.
Collaboration with the third sector
Also, another 145 children and adolescents have been beneficiaries of projects directly promoted by the Department for support and educational reinforcement, with the participation of 136 volunteers and a total cost of € 30,540.
In addition, in various neighborhoods and districts where these resources are not available, specific projects have been developed, of which 535 minors and adolescents have benefited.
These actions are reinforced by those developed by third sector organizations that maintain collaboration agreements or receive specific subsidies from municipal social services for the development of specific actions and various projects aimed at the most vulnerable child population in the municipality.
A special mention, for its importance, is the collaboration agreement signed by the City of Murcia with the "La Caixa" Foundation for the development of the Caixa Proinfancia Program against child poverty, which is organized around eight territorial networks, in the participating, in addition to municipal social services, organizations such as Cáritas Diocesana, Cepaim Foundation, Columbares, Copedeco, Coordinator of Neighborhoods and Full Inclusion, which have managed summer school projects, leisure time activities, educational reinforcement and various aids and attention therapeutic, which have directly benefited more than 2,000 children of the municipality of the 30 neighborhoods and districts in which these minors reside.
3.2 M € of aid for social emergencies
The Department of Social Rights and Development Cooperation, has as one of its main objectives the attention to children and adolescents in a situation of greater vulnerability, being the attention to those at risk of poverty and social exclusion one of the fundamental axes of your attention.
The first aspect of attention to this sector of the population is the economic aid of various kinds that are directed directly to cover the most basic needs that can have the families of these minors and themselves, which include from aid for rent of the house, to guarantee its permanence in a home, to the aids for basic feeding, in addition to other more specific concepts like the aids of school canteen or the endowment of resources destined to guarantee the feeding of these minors during the months of summer.
The total financial aid for social emergencies that were processed during 2017 was 4,267, for a total amount of € 3,261,082, of which 3,259 were earmarked specifically for basic food, with a total amount of € 2,416,947. and another 19 to the attention of special needs of infantile feeding, with a total amount of 13.545 €.
As direct measures, the Department managed during the academic year 2016-2017 a total of € 331.109 in canteen aid for children with which they were developing social intervention work and had not been able to access the scholarships of the Ministry of Education, amount that the 2017-2018 academic year has increased to € 355,898, which has allowed 970 minors to access this resource.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia