Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The works of conservation in the Torre Falcón House are concluded and the technical rehabilitation project is underway (23/06/2018)

The City Council has made and continues to perform the maintenance and conservation actions that are necessary to recover the heritage.

"Huermur is late once more, the silent and efficient work carried out by the City Council is better than operating at the head of the president, as they do", explained Rafael Gómez, Councilor for Education, Relations with Universities and Heritage.

In the last months the City Council has carried out the maintenance works of the Torre Falcón House and the drafting of the rehabilitation project is finalized.

The actions carried out have covered everything from the cleaning of the building, through archaeological supervision, roof repairs, the revision of the roof eaves, the sewing of cracks or the consolidation of adobe walls on the ground floor.

"These works are evident proof of the work developed by the City Council, through the Heritage and Huerta areas, to recover and consolidate the traditional constructions of our districts", explains Rafael Gómez, responsible for Education, Relations with Universities and Heritage , in response to the association next to Now Murcia, Huermur.

It is also worth remembering the rehabilitation projects of the Amor and Batán mills, also underway.

Source: PP Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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