The Council of Students of the University of Murcia (CEUM) has prepared a complete report in which it compares the prices of the masters of the University of Murcia and that of universities in the rest of Spain.
The representatives of the students consider that the price of official postgraduate studies is very high, considering that in many degrees they are very necessary to have job opportunities, something that is even more evident in those masters considered to be enabling;
that is to say that they are obligatory to be able to exercise professions.
The CEUM makes in its report a simulation of what it would mean to lower the price of the master's credits to match that of the degrees.
His report intends, in addition to asking for the reduction of the masters, to support the negotiations of the University of Murcia with the Autonomous Community for the public prices of the next course.
The students presented their report to the rector, José Luján, in a meeting that was also attended by the vice-rector of Students, Cristina Sánchez;
the general secretary, Francisco Antonio González;
and the manager, José Antonio Cascales.
The rector made a commitment to the students to study their work and to attach it to the documentation that will be presented to the Autonomous Community in those negotiations and in which the rectoral team wants to achieve a reduction in the prices of the master's degrees, both enabling and non-enabling.
Source: Universidad de Murcia