Rubén Garre, head of the list of the candidate Activa We can for the Municipal Citizens Council of Podemos Murcia and member of the Southern Coastal Circle, said today that a City Council manifested together with intolerant associations such as the Forum of the Family, as happened in the past May 14, "can not a month later put behind the banners of the Pride parade and say that it represents us all".
From Activa We have denounced the obstacles that the Government Team has placed on the celebration, by the collective No Te Prives, of the LGTBIQ Pride party, among other things, "trying to limit the concert schedule".
Garre recalled that the Popular Party has tried to prohibit workshops on sexual affective diversity to prevent harassment and homophobia in schools, which will eventually resume but with the need for parental permission.
"Precisely talks like these are necessary to make trans visibility possible, which is what this year's Pride Week claims", he added.
Activa We can collect in your program promote in "a political culture in which organs and circles become safe spaces and free of everyday machismo and LGTBI-phobic so that participation is plural and respectful."
Source: Activa Podemos