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Common Project, candidacy for the primary of IU Murcia to seek the municipal unity of the forces of change (08/06/2018)

The coordinator of IU-Verdes Murcia, Sergio Ramos, heads the Common Project candidacy for the municipal primaries of the coalition, a list that includes also the mayor of Cambiemos Murcia Margarita Guerrero, to members of the municipal formation in neighborhoods and districts and activists independent

"Our candidacy includes the different sensitivities of our militancy and sympathizers, but we aspire to join with many other comrades in struggles and with other organizations to create a space that overcomes the parties, open and democratic, and with enough force to flood with rebellion the City Council and its municipal boards ", explains Ramos.

The number 3 of the candidacy, after the ediles, is José Antonio Moreno, Secondary teacher and president of the Huerta Viva association, as well as a member of Cambiemos en La Arboleja.

Also representative of the confluence in a meeting is number 4, Carmen Sonia Martínez, vocal in El Infante and jurist officer of FOGASA.

The student Germán Hernández, from the Communist Youth, and the prosoterramiento activist Vicky Barba close the list.

IU holds internal primaries, as it did four years ago, before starting the process of confluence with other forces, which in 2015 led to Cambiemos Murcia.

"Our list is the starting point of a project that we will only complete in common," adds Ramos.

A common project for the rebellious Murcia

The rebellious Murcia, which rose against the Castilian protectorate in the thirteenth century, that of the comuneros who expelled the regidores in the sixteenth century, that of the guerrillas commanded by Antonete Gálvez in the 19th century and that of the neighbors and neighbors who are fighting for burial in the 21st century, need a common project.

Murcia and Murcia mobilized to defend the dignity of their neighborhoods and their pensions, quality public services, our environmental heritage or equality in all areas need a majority and democratic instrument for institutions to obey the demands of the people.

Izquierda Unida - Greens, which from its own conception, and in particular in recent years and in this municipality, has always opted to add synergies between different to form plural projects.

We re-bet on the unit for 2019.

We start with a candidacy that gathers the different sensitivities of our militancy and incorporates independent activists who have stood out for their work in pursuit of the common good.

And we aspire to join with many others and many other wrestlers and with other organizations to create a space that overcomes the parties, open and democratic, and with enough force to flood the City Council and its municipal boards with rebellion.

We have the constructive experience of Cambiemos Murcia, which has demonstrated this legislature autonomy, attractiveness beyond militancy, democratic radicalism and assembly, and, most importantly, that by working together the discrepancies are resolved and identitarisms are diluted.

Our candidacy is the starting point of a project that we will only complete in common.

Source: Proyecto Común

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