The Plenary has given the go-ahead for the participative loan to the Murcia Alta Velocidad company for an amount of € 3,680,000 to continue with the burying of the roads.
The Councilor for Finance, Contracting and Urban Mobility, Eduardo Martínez-Oliva, explained that the City Council is not going to resort to any credit operation to deal with this contribution, but will use its own resources.
This amount is part of the commitment of financing of the City Council for this year, amounting to 9 million euros.
To the amount foreseen in this loan approved today we must add another 4.5 M € that are already withheld from previous years and 1.2 M € incorporated into the 2018 budget project.
In this way, the City meets the commitment of funding this year that corresponds to the 8% stake in the society MAV.
These 9 million are part of the 47 million that the local administration must provide, of the nearly 600 million that will cost Murcia High Speed ​​burying.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia