The UCAM has some obstetric simulation facilities of the most advanced in the country as well as reference instructors in this field.
A premature birth, the position of the fetus or the length of the umbilical cord are some of the complications that medical students can face in the future.
Therefore, the clinical decision table available to the UCAM allows its students to perform complex practices that are rarely performed in a hospital during their training stage.
These facilities have been visited by gynecologists from all over Spain who have wanted to know the high-end simulators of the UCAM.
The visit was guided by Óscar Martínez Pérez, instructor of the Chair of Simulation of the Faculty of Medicine of the UCAM, who commented that the Catholic University has "a wide range of simulators in obstetric pathology, ultrasound and augmented reality to that the students learn to attend the birth ".
In addition, he added that "the UCAM is a leader in the introduction of simulation tools and high technology in the training of students and we want the guests to try them and see how we teach the students".
Among the simulators that have been able to observe the guests is a clinical decision table, since the UCAM is one of the few universities in Spain that has this technology.
Óscar Martínez concluded by commenting that "it is not very common for a Spanish university to be in contact with an international company in specific development of simulation cases".
Source: UCAM