The City of Murcia, through the Department of Sports and Health directed by Felipe Coello collaborates in the first Senior Spanish Championship of Mixed Martial Arts, which is held on June 2 in the Prince of Asturias pavilion.
In this championship participate 10 autonomous communities and more than 100 professionals in this sport.
The assistants will be able to see the best national fighters in absolute category, who will represent Spain in the next world championship that takes place in November in Bahrain.
It is called mixed martial arts
to the combination of traditional and modern martial arts techniques.
It is a combat sport or non-armed personal defense in which both the use of techniques to fight standing and on the ground is allowed.
This is the first national championship to be played in octagon, similar to the UFC Ultimate Fighting Championship and will be broadcast on the sports channel La Liga 4sport.
McGregor and many other professionals have made this sport popular and have many followers around the world.
The FELODA is the only organization officially recognized to manage mixed martial arts Spain championships.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia