The Councilor for Traffic and Public Safety, Lola Sánchez, attended this morning the first talk on safety that the Local Police has offered to around 30 taxi drivers.
The objective of this initiative, which will be repeated if there is a demand, is for taxi drivers to know how to prevent theft and robbery and how to act in the event that they occur.
Thus, agents have explained that holders of the license of auto-taxi may request the City Council authorization to install protective screens, video surveillance cameras, which collect images of both the driver and travelers, as well as a button help, or a panic button that allows the vehicle to be always geolocated, in order to facilitate its exact position in case of need.
In addition, to avoid theft, the Local Police has offered different tips such as closing the vehicle and removing the keys of contact whenever you leave it, even for a short time or at the taxi stand, never leave valuable objects in sight and closing the vehicle's doors while driving to avoid baggage theft.
To avoid theft, it is advisable to enhance the collection with electronic money insofar as possible, always ask for the ID to verify the identity of the cardholder, deposit the daily collection during the same shift and close the doors of the bank. vehicle while driving to avoid sudden boarding at mandatory stops (traffic lights, pedestrian crossings ...).
Regarding the passengers, it is recommended not to take passengers in a state of overt drunkenness or intoxication by narcotics, not to transfer them to areas of special conflict that may represent a risk and to avoid that the clients who travel alone feel in the front seat.
Likewise, special emphasis is placed on suspecting when a client indicates a false or non-existent address of any point of the municipality, when suddenly indicating change the route of the place first agreed or if in full travel the travelers are signing or note any unusual attitude between they.
It is also recommended not to accept any passenger candy, meals or drinks as they may contain substances with sleeping effect.
Agents have also explained to taxi drivers how to act in case of robbery: Do not resist, since the most important thing is physical integrity, try to memorize or write as many details as possible about the author or authors (height, race, color of the eyes, hair color, presence of tattoos or scars, accent, clothing, type of weapon used ...);
report the facts, as soon as possible, to the Security Forces and bodies and observe or try to remember possible video-surveillance cameras that may have captured images of the author or authors.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia