Mario Gómez notes that in the City of Murcia, as in many others, there is a gap in the legislation on the use of these vehicles, which, in the case of electric scooters, has become fashionable among young people
The spokesman of Cs, Mario Gómez, will defend a motion in the plenary of Thursday demanding the local government the creation and implementation of an ordinance that regulates and promotes the use of electric personal mobility vehicles, becoming our municipality in one of the first to do so if this initiative is carried out.
"These increasingly fashionable vehicles," said Gomez, "are becoming tools for citizen mobility by allowing people to move more agile, are friendly to the environment and can be part of some of the solutions designed to improve mobility within the urban area ".
"It is the case, to cite an example, of electric scooters, widely used among young people," Gómez has warned, "which remains unregulated even though its use is increasing."
In this sense, the orange training spokesman recalled that, according to the Ministry of the Interior and the General Subdirectorate of Mobility Management, "the City Councils should establish a series of limitations on the circulation in urban roads of personal mobility vehicles (VMP) depending on the maximum speed by construction, mass, capacity, service or other criteria that are considered.
For all these reasons, Gómez will defend the convenience of "creating an ordinance that regulates technical requirements and safety or other regulations so that, by promoting the use of these electric vehicles, the safety of pedestrians and users is not impaired" .
Source: Ciudadanos Murcia