The concessionaire company MUyBICI will disseminate the image of the University of Murcia in the stations of its campuses and in a total of 75 bicycles of the municipal service, which will carry in their skirts the UMU brand and its Sustainable Campus.
The agreement between MUyBICI and the University of Murcia is another step in the UMU's effort to promote the use of sustainable mobility, especially the use of bicycles to move around the city and its facilities.
The contract for the diffusion of the image has been signed this Monday at an event attended by María Belén López, vice-rector of Infrastructure Planning;
Francisco Javier Martínez, Vice Chancellor of Quality, Culture and Communication;
personnel of the technical and administrative services of the University and the contractor MUyBICI.
The contract has a duration of two years and one of its clauses specifies that the fee to be paid by the University of Murcia will decrease as the number of users of municipal bicycles increases.
For this reason, and as part of the policy of sustainable mobility, the University of Murcia will prepare actions to promote the use of MUyBICI bicycles among the university community.
The University of Murcia implemented the system of municipal loan of bicycles in its university campuses in 2016 with the installation of eight bicycle stations among which the displacement is free for university students: two on the campus of La Merced (in the Plaza de la University), one in the Plano de Sanfrancisco (in front of the University School of Tourism) and five in the Espinardo campus, located in the North Aulario, Plaza Rector Sabater (next to the Faculty of Biology), Pedro Jara Carrillo Plaza (next to Faculty of Communication and Documentation), Faculty of Education and East Roundabout (on the green promenade, next to the main entrance to the campus).
The environmental management system of the University of Murcia, Sustainable Campus, promotes healthy and smoke-free mobility with other activities such as the long bicycle loan service, by which university students can have a bicycle during an academic year, and the Ciclogreen campaign, an application that encourages university students with prizes in exchange for the kilometers traveled on foot and by bicycle.
Source: Universidad de Murcia