The CEIP Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente will present on May 23 the project 'From the Garden to the School'.
This initiative consists of a participatory artistic experience that is intended to be developed in different schools in the neighborhood of El Carmen, in order to create symbolic shadows and call attention to the serious deficiencies in the conditioning of courtyards and air conditioning in the classrooms that the center has , as well as other public schools in its environment.
In this project, Eva Santos, Elena López and Antonio García (from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Murcia) intervened as artistic mediators.
Bearing in mind the recent declaration of the Floridablanca Garden as an Asset of Cultural Interest by the Governing Council of the Region of Murcia, this Garden has been the reference of the work.
In a first phase the schoolchildren of the Center visited the Garden and the Segura River, later making drawings in the form of a leaf that were later used in the collective installation.
In a second phase, the participation focused on the parents of the school.
With them, the fabric of a symbolic shade installed in the courtyard was created, whose shape emerged in the process of creation, adapting to the distribution of the trees or structures that have served as supports and tensors.
To make this fabric, garments were reused by the students and completed with the leaves drawn on their outings to the Garden.
During the presentation, Eva Santos, professor of Fine Arts and coordinator during the process, said that "the project aims to raise awareness of respect for nature, assess the cultural heritage of the neighborhood and appreciate the participatory work to achieve a common goal" .
In addition, being garments already discarded by children of the center, "we want to highlight the importance of reuse and how to educate with responsibility in the use of resources," he remarked.
The project culminated with the installation of fabrics in the form of a network to obtain a symbolic shadow space as a claim to a definitive shade suitable to the needs of the children of the center.
The Association of Mothers and Fathers of the center has worked closely with the promoters of the project in this realization.
The president of the AMPA of the school, Carmen María Méndez, pointed out during the public presentation that this initiative "is also part of the set of actions that we have been carrying out for years for the Association for better conditioning of the patio and the classrooms".
Recently it was learned that the Center will receive a game of 3000 euros from the Ministry of Education to undertake small actions that improve air conditioning, which are clearly insufficient in the words of the President of the AMPA: "the school yard receives no shadow for much of of the school day and some classrooms do not have air conditioning and those that do have it has been paid by the families of the school during the last years and requires an expensive maintenance We demand a sufficient investment to condition both the interior and exterior of the center and that our sons and daughters can study in the right conditions. "
Source: CEIP Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente