More than 300 Murcia seal their loyalty to the national flag in a multitudinous Civil Jura that puts the finishing touch to the commemorative acts of the 752 anniversary of the Council of Murcia.
"This superior concept that we call Spain was the one that guaranteed our reconciliation and forged our democracy", highlights the mayor of Murcia.
More than 300 Murcia have sealed this morning their loyalty to the national flag in a mass Civil Jura that puts the finishing touch to the commemorative acts of the 752 anniversary of the Council of Murcia and where the mayor stressed that "Spain is a guarantee of freedom and equality for all".
In his speech, José Ballesta said that "we swear allegiance to the flag as a symbol of civilization, of a loyal sense of history written by all.
The flag is a symbol that recognizes the trace of our ancestors, the longings that rest on the use of emblems.
And it's beautiful that life has symbols that remind us of all the good things that we did and that inspire us all the good things we will do ".
"That superior concept that we call Spain was the one that guaranteed our reconciliation and forged our democracy.
It was the one that has allowed us to integrate into international spaces negotiating the well-being of everyone with greater power, "said the mayor, who imposed the Combat Band of Murcia to the Standard of the Sewer Base.
In addition to the 300 registered Murcians, the Queen de la Huerta and her Ladies swore a banner.
Then there was an air parade with Aviocar T-12B aircraft belonging to the 721 Air Force Squadron of the Military School of Parachuting (EMP).
Lieutenant Flomesta also hosted the ground parade, consisting of vehicles from the Parachute Sapper Squadron (EZAPAC), the Scuderia Squadron, the Music Unit of the General Air Academy and the Mixed Squadron of the EMP and EZAPAC.
The event was closed with a spectacular parachuting exhibition by the Acrobatic Parachute Patrol (PAPEA) with the Flags of Spain and Murcia.
Among other military authorities, the event was attended by the General Head of the General Air Command, José Alfonso Otero Goyanes, and the Chief Colonel of the Alcantarilla Air Base, Francisco Javier Fernández Fernández.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia