The pedáneo, Antonio Ramírez, will also claim an effective protection of the fortification, cataloged BIC, that in recent times has suffered vandalism that are causing an obvious deterioration of the area
Los Garres head coach, Antonio Ramírez, will defend a motion in the next Plenary Session of the Municipal Board requesting all political groups to join this initiative to request the enhancement of the remains of the castle of Los Garres, cataloged as Good of Cultural Interest;
and its surroundings.
"It is a fortification of private ownership, whose remains and environment, are experiencing a great deterioration due to vandalism that is multiplying in recent times," lamented Ramírez, who reported the visit made last Thursday by technicians of the general direction of Cultural Assets and associations and collectives of the zone to verify at first hand the situation in which the remains are.
The pedáneo of the orange formation has insisted on the need to protect, in an effective way, the remains of this late-Roman fortification that is located in the northern skirt of the mountain range of the Cresta del Gallo.
For this reason, Ramirez has asked the regional government to "intercede with the owners to take measures to stop their deterioration and Murcia, sooner rather than later, we can enjoy both the environment and some remains of great strategic and cultural value, with the start-up of various routes on foot ".
Source: Ciudadanos Murcia