The University of Murcia will host this Friday, May 18, the conference Emergency and construction of the social.
New communities, which will be taught by Francisco Jarauta Marión, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Murcia.
The presentation, which will be attended by the rector of the UMU, José Luján, will take place at 6:00 p.m. in the Antonio Soler classroom of the La Merced Campus, and is framed within the cycle of lectures `Social Subjects, human fractures', activity programmed within the `Seminars of the Rector`.
For Professor Jarauta, few times like ours have undergone such deep and accelerated transformations: new forms of conflict, areas of the planet that dramatically support inhuman situations, borders that mark new lines of confrontation or exclusion, etc.
For this reason, it considers that, faced with this new complexity, a critical work that goes beyond conventional readings and is committed to the analysis of the trends of our time is increasingly urgent.
Professor of Philosophy at the University of Murcia, Francisco Jarauta has studied History, History of Art and Philosophy at the Universities of Valencia, Rome, Münster-Westf, Berlin and Paris.
Visiting professor of European and American universities, his works focus especially on the field of the history of ideas, the philosophy of culture, aesthetics and the theory of art.
Source: Universidad de Murcia